Hi there Mama! Tired of the clutter?


Clear off that chaotic catch-all space once and for all!

If you're like most moms who struggle with a cluttered house,
you've likely experienced something like this...

>moving a mountain of papers to the floor just so you can eat dinner

>knocking your toddler's juice over as you try to prep a meal with no counter space

>picking up crumbs around all of the small appliances that cover your counter

And this may be happening because you're...

>waiting for that perfect kid free day to declutter the entire kitchen, including the counters

>saving those sentimental cards from Grandma and your kid's artwork "to deal with later"

>feeling too overwhelmed deciding where random items - vitamins, flashlight, etc. "should" go

And in order to fix it, you may have swiped everything off the counter into a laundry basket, thrown it into the closet and called it good.

Or bought pretty countertop organizers that just didn't really work with your unique situation.

If any of this sounds familiar, the
Clear the Clutter Challenge is for you!

During the FREE 4-day
Clear the Clutter Challenge, you'll...

  • Learn my Picture method to start creating your ideal space

  • Create a personalized decluttering plan that works for YOU and YOUR busy schedule

  • Make sustainable progress on the counter in 5 minutes a day

  • Discover the secret to maintain this peace so you don't have to clear this clutter again and again

Hi there, I'm Katie!

I have been where you are - ashamed and embarrassed by the mess but also not wanting any help because you have no idea what your family will find.

I was territorial over my mess, constantly telling my toddler “no, don’t touch that”, and begrudging my dad when he would hold my son on his lap and sit at the counter, allowing him to touch anything and everything within reach.

I felt like he didn’t respect my stuff - even though it was clearly in the way. You see, I'm not one of those "naturally organized people". I get it. I have been where you are…I am a recovering clutter hider.

I don't want you to have to do all of the research that I did. I don't want you to have to try dozens of methods before you figure out what actually works.

I can't wait to work with you during the challenge!

What others are saying...

I really appreciated the planning stage before jumping into the project. If we don't know where we are going, it's going to be hard to arrive at our destination. The small bites of work also made it much more doable. Thanks, again, Katie!

- Sherri

I was able to make a major improvement on my home office space through the tools I learned. This has made the space so much less stressful to work in. I am super excited to see how I can apply what I’ve learned to other areas of my home!

- Kristin

[I] was to get me back on track and prepare for my move to Italy where we purchased a house. The anxiety was overwhelming because I did not know where to start. My dining room table became my catchall to place things that I did not know what to do with. [This] was a perfect re-start for me. It allowed me to take a breath and stay focused with Katie’s instructions. Thank you for this great resource!

- Kay

Join me as I give you the exact steps to clear the clutter for good while still enjoying this back to school season, your family, and all the other things you’d rather be doing

Here's what to do next...


Click the button below and enter your best info


Join the Facebook group and start connecting


Show up Live every day and do the daily action tasks


Enjoy that peaceful clutter free counter!

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